Placing an order online

How do I place an order?

  • Go to the page of the item you would like to purchase.
  • Select your quantity using the drop down box.
  • Click the ‘Add to cart’ button.
  • If you're done click ‘Checkout,' or click 'Continue' to add other products to your cart.
  • When you have finished shopping, go to your cart in the top right hand corner and click ‘Checkout’.
  • If you have a coupon code click “Cart” and add the code to the “Discount Code” field, click “Apply Coupon” and then click “Checkout”
  • Enter all relevant fields and continue through each step until your order is confirmed.
  • You can pay via credit card using our secure online payment gateway Payfast or via EFT Bank Deposit. Please note that cash deposits have a 3% transaction fee which must be added to the order total before making the deposit.

Can I place an order without having a CQ Linen account?

Yes you can. If you don’t want to create an account you are able to check out as a guest.  You won’t, however, be able to log in to manage or view your order. If you would like to create an account you can do this during check out.

Need more help or have another question?

Feel free to contact us on